
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

Click here to visit my new blog and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed on this blog.  Please comment on my new blog.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My space art from summer learning Journey

This is my NASA space art


Thursday, November 25, 2021



Written my Anameka

Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs. The bedroom door handle turned slowly. It was pitch Black. I couldn't see anything. My heart was racing. Someone walked into my room, they didn't say anything, they just stared at me creepily. I wanted to scream.The person turned the light on and……IT WAS MY MUM??? She was acting really weird. I looked closer and SHE WASN'T MY MUM!!! I screamed at her and said GO AWAY!!!! She just ignored me.

She came closer. When she was close enough I gave her a big punch in the nose. her nose started to bleed so she jumped out of my window. after that is said I think she was trying to kidnap me?? I got up to close my window when I got back in bed I heard scratching on my door and window. I wanted to cry. I hid under my covers, shivering in horror. I slowly pulled the covers off my head. When the sheets were about under my eyes I opened them. I looked around the room and no one was there.(sigh) I said  in my head I will try to sleep again. In the morning my mum came in. I said is that really you mum?'' Before she could say anything I screamed and said are you sure you aren't that imposter mum person thing. My mum said what are you talking about? Umm nothing nothing I bet it was just a dream umm whats for breakfast. My mum said Pancakes!!!! I said yay. When I was eating my breakfast I was thinking about the night when that girl came in my room. I just didn't want to tell my mum.When I was done my food I jumped up out of my seat. And in one blink of the eye I was in a different room!!!! I screamed”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”Where am I ??(Gasp!!!!)The person put their hand over my mouth.I was trying to get out. I was punching and screaming. I finally escaped by kicking the person in the shin and then ran away.When I got home my mum asked”where were you” I lied and said “at my friends house” I ran into my be continued!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021