
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My space art from summer learning Journey

This is my NASA space art


Thursday, November 25, 2021



Written my Anameka

Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs. The bedroom door handle turned slowly. It was pitch Black. I couldn't see anything. My heart was racing. Someone walked into my room, they didn't say anything, they just stared at me creepily. I wanted to scream.The person turned the light on and……IT WAS MY MUM??? She was acting really weird. I looked closer and SHE WASN'T MY MUM!!! I screamed at her and said GO AWAY!!!! She just ignored me.

She came closer. When she was close enough I gave her a big punch in the nose. her nose started to bleed so she jumped out of my window. after that is said I think she was trying to kidnap me?? I got up to close my window when I got back in bed I heard scratching on my door and window. I wanted to cry. I hid under my covers, shivering in horror. I slowly pulled the covers off my head. When the sheets were about under my eyes I opened them. I looked around the room and no one was there.(sigh) I said  in my head I will try to sleep again. In the morning my mum came in. I said is that really you mum?'' Before she could say anything I screamed and said are you sure you aren't that imposter mum person thing. My mum said what are you talking about? Umm nothing nothing I bet it was just a dream umm whats for breakfast. My mum said Pancakes!!!! I said yay. When I was eating my breakfast I was thinking about the night when that girl came in my room. I just didn't want to tell my mum.When I was done my food I jumped up out of my seat. And in one blink of the eye I was in a different room!!!! I screamed”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”Where am I ??(Gasp!!!!)The person put their hand over my mouth.I was trying to get out. I was punching and screaming. I finally escaped by kicking the person in the shin and then ran away.When I got home my mum asked”where were you” I lied and said “at my friends house” I ran into my be continued!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

My Oma

 My Oma

She is quite short. Her nose is as soft as a marshmallow. Oma wears ginormous earrings and she also has tanned ears. Her eyes are a beautiful hazel color. Her skin is tanned and a little wrinkly like crumpled up brown paper. Her Face has smile lines.

Her arms are crumpled up newspaper. Her Hair is

white and short. She wears a bright blue cardigan with a t-shirt underneath and black pants.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Marble run

 Me and my friends made a Marble roll. Their names were Meah and Ryleigh.

We used 5 pieces of news paper.2 pieces of A4 paper And.some tape and scissors.

We had to at least roll it 3 meters.but we did now make it sadly.

Have you ever made a  Marble roll?

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

My Mars Fact Finding

This is my Mars fact finding.😃

Monday, September 6, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Some Lock Down Activities

We invented a new game, hockey four square.

Having fun on the trampoline with the sprinkler underneath.

Painting with my brother.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My trip to the beach in lock down

Here is a video of me doing a cart wheel.
We made it all the way to the pier and I dragged a huge stick all the way there.




Research about mars

Facts about mars

Here are 11 facts about mars I found.
  • Mars is know as the red planet.
  • Mars is named after the roman god of war.
  • Mars has two moons called Deimos and Phobos.
  • Mars is the 4th planet from the sun.
  • Mars is Smaller than Earth with a diameter of 4217 miles.
  • A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes.
  • One year on Mars is 687 days long. That's 1.9 Earth years. This is because Mars is further away from the sun so it takes longer to orbit it.
  • Mars has a thin atmosphere made from 959% carbon dioxide and 2.7% nitrogen. The atmosphere is so thin that it's not thick enough to trap the sun's heat so its very cold ranging from 100*c in winter to 20*c in summer.
  • Mars has very weak gravity.
  • Mars is home to Olympus Mons, a dormant volcano and the largest volcano and the highest mountain  in our solar system, it is 16 miles high and 600 km across the base making it 3 x the height of Mount Everest.
  • Mars has the largest canyon in our solar system Valles Mariners. it is 4 miles deep. and stretches thousands of miles long.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Mr mouse


Once their was a mouse named Mr Mouse and he loved exploring.
And when he popped out of his mouse hole he saw a huge block of cheese.
He was so surprised because he had never seen a block of cheese so big before. 
But then he was shocked to see a big fat rat run by and steal his cheese.
He was sad so he went back down in his hole.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Lock down August 2021

                                                                       Baking cup cakes

Out for a scooter ride

                          Practicing my roller skating

                                               I'm enjoying lock down so far. But I do miss school

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Looking at New Zealand history

 Looking At New Zealand History

It wasn't until 1300 that Aotearoa New Zealand was settled first by the Ancestors of

Maori.when Europeans settlers arrived in the 1800s different cultures they had to learn

 To live  together in Aotearoa New zealand.

Early Polynesian navigators came to Aotearoa about 1300.They used the stars,moon,ocean

currents  and migrating birds to navigate.New Zealand was one of the last countries to

be discovered  because it is so far away at the bottom of the world.kupes wife was the 

first one to see our land she called Aotearoa .they were master builders of the waka or


The Treaty of Waitangi was signed on February 6th. It was an agreement between the

English and Maori. Hone Heke was the first chief to sign the treaty. 500 chiefs signed the Treaty.

Henry Williams translated the Treaty. Some chiefs didn't sign the Treaty because they thought it was a bad idea.

Early European settlement grew from 1850. They travelled here by boat. It was a terrible trip, people got sick, some died. After arriving in Lyttelton they walked over the Bridle Path carrying all their luggage/possessions. People came for the gold rush or farming domestic servants,opportunity, Some people got a free trip because they needed workers.

Girls had no fun because they had to do domestic chores.

These are important moments in our New Zealand Aotearoa history.They have

Helped to shape who we are today.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

My Math Story

My math problem

this is my math problem.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Would you rather have Christmas in Whinter or summer.

 I would rather have Christmas in winter because every Christmas

I would haven a hot chocolate and some pop tart's under a nice warm

blanket and then i'll go outside and go play in the snow man with

my brother's.what would you rather have Christmas in?

The reason why I thought school ended.

I think school ended because

Slappy from goose bumps came to town and let all

of the monsters out. Or Pennywise comes and kills everyone. 

or and Anabel comes and Scare's everyone.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

                                           This is my slogan i did this because i thought it is cool

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Anameka's belonging


I chose pizza because pizza is my favorite food.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Anameka's pepeha

This is my pepeha. I have learned how to Screen Castify.